Thursday 23 October 2014

Ella in Acrylic

Have managed to finish my painting after a few months recovering from a total knee operation.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Stage two
I have put the first touches to the face, eyes, nose and mouth, I don't want to define the teeth too much as they will look like tombstones.
I have still left the bottom of the portrait unpainted for now as I still need to carry it without smudging the wet paint.

The face looks a little pink so I will do a little more work on that, also the eyes are a little startling at the moment, I think I need to tone the colour down and bring some black into the iris.

Saturday 1 March 2014

A new month and a new painting, I have gone pack to my old love Oils but this time the water mixable ones.
I find as I grow older the smell of turps or white spirit gives me a bad headache.
The water mixable oils perform just the same, with that lovely buttery texture which I love.
Oils do take a long time to dry but this can be a bonus as well if you want to alter things.
I find it better to leave at least one bottom edge unpainted so that I can carry my canvas without getting paint all over me.
I have decided to do a portrait of one of my great granddaughters, she has a lovely open face.

This is the first under painting using similar colours to block in, I have left the bottom under edge unpainted.
Next job is to work on the eyes, nose and mouth as this will test whether I have the likeness correct.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Managed to delete a few blogs by mistake this morning, couldn't find out how to retrieve them so I am just posting the latest paintings all on this blog.
Auburn Horse Pastel pencils.

Owl, pastel pencils on pastel board
Minnie, Pastel pencils on pastel board
Sailing boat, watercolour
Spitfire, Acrylic on canvas board

Sunday 28 April 2013

Managed to finish my Barge painting this morning
I am quite pleased with the result but I feel there is
always room for improvement, the secret is to
stop at the right time and not overwork it.

I think for my next painting I will go back to watercolour as
it is easier and lighter to transport and also I do not want
to lose any skill I have acquired  in the last few months.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Didn't have much time for painting today so just added
rigging lines to my Barge, I will add finishing touches 
in the next few days

Much easier working on my easil at home in my Art room.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Continued with my London Barge painting at art this morning
managed to get more paint on me than the canvas but quite 
pleased with how much I got done, just the rigging to do now
which I am not looking forward to as very fine lines needed, plenty
of advice from my fellow artists but I will probably practice at home.

For the sails I used Terracotta, Burnt Umber, Bottom of the boat was Paynes grey
mixed with a touch of Burnt umber and raw sienna, the lighthouse was a last minute
addition to cover a slight flaw in the canvas.